
24 Sep: The enemy within: Australian al-Shabbab terrorists convicted

In December 2010 a jury found Wissam Fattal, Nayef El Sayed, and Saney Aweys, guilty of terrorism offences after a six-week trial in the Victorian Supreme Court. The three men were part of an Islamic terrorist cell that planned to enter the Holsworthy army barracks in Sydney, armed with military weapons and shoot as many people as possible before they were killed or ran out of ammunition. The men, who had all met at the Preston Mosque in Melbourne’s north, were arrested in August 2009 after undercover police infiltrated the group. Justice King said Fattal was the most dogmatic and outspoken, in terms of religious fervour, of the three. “All of you believe in the principle of martyrdom. All of you believe it is your obligation to oppose and deal with those you describe as infidels, being persons who are not of the Muslim faith or those of the Muslim…

26 May: Woolwich murder: Islam shows its true face

“We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. You people will never be safe” These revealing words by Michael Adebolajo, one the killers of soldier, Lee Rigby, casts light on the true nature of Islam. In extraordinary broad daylight scenes in Woolwich, the men ran the soldier down in a car then tried to hack the man’s head off and have their own crime filmed. Beheading is a centuries-old Muslim method of executing enemies of Islam. Britain’s Muslim leaders angrily condemned  the slaughter. They were angry because the murderers got ahead of themselves. These incidents are not supposed to occur until the Muslim infiltration of the West puts them in a strong enough position to use violence, assassinations and hostage-taking to further their ends. In the meantime the Muslim leaders follow the dictates of the Koran by practising taqiyya. Muhammad and his followers gained many of their…

28 May: Western nations under threat from stealth jihad

In most Muslim countries the people are subjected to the totalitarian socio-political doctrine that Islam calls shariah, where women are repressed and draconian laws prevail. Under shariah, polygamy, marital rape, wife abuse, female genital mutilation and underage forced marriages are rife. Translated as “the path”, shariah is a comprehensive legal and political framework. Though it certainly has spiritual elements, it would be a mistake to think of shariah as a “religious” code in the Western sense because it seeks to regulate all manner of behaviour in the secular sphere – economic, social, military, legal and political. Shariah has been, for over a half-century, lavishly financed and propagated by Islamic regimes (particularly Saudi Arabia and Iran), through disciplined Their own words Sheikh Mohammad Akram, author of An Explanatory Memorandum “The process of settlement is a ‘Civilisation-Jihadist process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is…