Global warming

04 Mar: Climate change update – are we heading for another ice age?

Danube frozen over Previously this story would be called Global Warming Update, but as there has been no measurable warming of the planet for sixteen years, the global warming alarmists have re-named their dodgy theory “climate change”. Here are some recent articles of interest. Antarctica Sees Coldest Weather Ever Recorded On Earth New analysis from a NASA satellite revealed that East Antarctica reached minus-135.8 degrees fahrenheit in August 2010, NBC reports, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Antarctica hit close to that temperature again on July 31,2013 when it reached minus-135.3 degrees. Read more Britain, United States and Europe experince deadly cold weather More than 220 people have died across Europe as a result of the recent cold snap, with Ukraine bearing the heaviest toll. People have been found dead on the streets in some countries, while thousands have been trapped in mountain villages in Serbia. In Italy, Venice’s canals…

18 Jun: James Delingpole on wind farms, fraud and electricity prices in Australia

SINCE 2007, household electricity prices in Australia have risen by more than 40 per cent and by next year are projected to rise by around about 30 per cent. Federal MP Alby Schultz says this is the “biggest government sponsored fraud in the history of our country”. Schultz was speaking to parliament about Big Wind, an industry so rife with “intimidation, manipulation, lies and cover-up” he believes there’s enough evidence “to justify a royal commission”. So how come, you may be wondering, so many of us have been kept in the dark for so long? Writing for The Australian, journalist James Delingpole: The short answer seems to be that money buys both silence and public ignorance. For just one large-scale wind turbine, a developer can make nearly $500,000 in taxpayer subsidies called Renewable Energy Certificates. Under current government carbon emissions reduction plans, some $50 billion of these RECs are to…

10 Sep: Global cooling: Arctic ice cap grows 60% in a year

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent. – mailonline 7 Sept 2013. The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013. Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.   The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year. More than 20 yachts that had planned to sail it have been left ice-bound and a cruise ship attempting the route was forced to turn back. Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling…

04 Apr: Global warming according to James Delingpole

The Man Made Global Warming industry is a crock, a scam on an epic scale, fed by the world’s biggest outbreak of mass hysteria, stoked by politicians dying for an excuse to impose more tax and regulation on us while being seen to “care” about an issue of pressing urgency, fuelled by the shrill lies and tear-jerking propaganda of activists possessed of no understanding of the real world other than a chippy instinctive hatred of capitalism, given a veneer of scientific respectability by post-normal scientists who believe their job is to behave like politicians rather than dispassionate seekers-after-truth, cheered on by rent-seeking businesses, financed by the EU, the UN and the charitable foundations of the guilt-ridden rich, and promoted at every turn by schoolteachers, college lecturers, organic muesli packets, Walkers crisps, the BBC, CNBC, Al Gore, the Prince Of Wales, David Suzuki, the British Antarctic Survey, Barack Obama, David Cameron…

27 Apr: Global warming an unproven hypothesis

Anna Marshall This is a brief outline of how the global warming controversy started and where it is going. The warmists claim that there is scientific consensus on global warming. But science is not based on consensus. Advancements in science are based on the application of the scientific method.  Although there are some variations, it is generally accepted that  the scientific method consists of four distinct steps. In the first stage, a scientist notes a natural phenomenon. In the second stage, the scientist puts forward an hypothesis to explain the phenomenon. In the third stage, various scientists make predictions based on the hypothesis and carry out experiments to look for empirical evidence that will support or disprove the hypothesis.  Finally, after rigorous testing with no empirical evidence found to disprove it, the hypothesis is accepted and advances to the status of a theory and becomes generally accepted. In the case…

27 Apr: Global warming –

“Global warming-at least the modern nightmare version – is a myth. I am sure of it and so are a growing number of scientists. But what is really worrying is that the world’s politicians and policy makers are not” – David Bellamy, Daily Mail, July 9, 2004 Nor are the world’s media. Maybe it’s because end-of-the-world stories make good headlines. For some time now the believers have been perpetrating the myth that the science of global warming is settled. “The scientists are virtually screaming from the rooftops now. The debate is over! There’s no longer any debate in the scientific community about this”, trumpets the high priest of the global warming religion, Al Gore. Well Al, then how about these scientists? “I am a sceptic.. Global warming has become a new religion” – Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaver. [Warming fears are the ] “worst scientific scandal in history…When…

27 Apr: Academics show that emissions trading schemes produce fraud but no emissions reduction

  Despite strong opposition from both business and the wider electorate, Julia Gillard is hell-bent on ramming through her carbon tax in order to appease Bob Brown and thus keep herself in power. Even more concerning is her proposal to convert the carbon tax to an emissions trading scheme in 2014. Because a carbon credit is an intangible good, trading in it is open to fraud and scams. In December 2009 Europol, the European criminal intelligence agency warned that ETS fraud had resulted in around 5 billion Euros in lost revenues and as much as 90 percent of the entire market volume on emissions exchanges was caused by fraudulent activity. One of the recognised experts in the field of emissions trading, Professor Prins of the London School of Economics is reported to have said that there is no credible evidence that ETS markets make any difference to emissions. His Hartwell…