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Australian media corrupted by political correctness fail to report racist murder

Street memorial for Andrew Farrugia

By Elizabeth Krantz

In the early hours of 1 January , 17-year-old Andrew Farrugia was waiting near a taxi rank with friends in the NSW rural town of Griffith when he was accosted by two young Aboriginal thugs spoiling for a fight with a white person.

After repeatedly taunting Andrew Farrugia, one of the Aboriginal youths grabbed him by the shirt and head-butted him twice. Then the other brave thug king hit him. 

A number of the witnesses described the sound of the punch as making a cracking sound. According to police, Andrew became unsteady on his feet and friends took him to the road where he collapsed. As Andrew lay dying, one of the black thugs boasted, “this is how we roll around here”.

In the extensive media coverage of the brutal murder there was no mention of a racist attack. In fact the media, with exception of an opinion piece by journalist Paul Sheehan ( one of the few Australian journalists not in the grip of political correctness), did not even mention that the perpetrators were Aboriginal.

The ABC reported:

The Riverina communities of Griffith and Rankins Springs came to a stand still today for the funeral of a 17-year-old boy who was killed in an assault on New Year’s Day.

About 700 people came to say goodbye to Andrew Farrugia.

Andrew’s life was cut short after two teenage boys allegedly assaulted him on New Year’s Day.

Police say the attack was unprovoked.

The mood of today’s service was quiet and sombre.

As the funeral procession left the grounds of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, hundreds of people lined the streets in silence.

Two 15-year-old boys are in custody, charged with the murder of the teenager.

You can bet that if a white person had killed an Aboriginal in such a fashion, the media would be screaming “racist attack” at the top of their voices.