Wind farms

18 Jun: James Delingpole on wind farms, fraud and electricity prices in Australia

SINCE 2007, household electricity prices in Australia have risen by more than 40 per cent and by next year are projected to rise by around about 30 per cent. Federal MP Alby Schultz says this is the “biggest government sponsored fraud in the history of our country”. Schultz was speaking to parliament about Big Wind, an industry so rife with “intimidation, manipulation, lies and cover-up” he believes there’s enough evidence “to justify a royal commission”. So how come, you may be wondering, so many of us have been kept in the dark for so long? Writing for The Australian, journalist James Delingpole: The short answer seems to be that money buys both silence and public ignorance. For just one large-scale wind turbine, a developer can make nearly $500,000 in taxpayer subsidies called Renewable Energy Certificates. Under current government carbon emissions reduction plans, some $50 billion of these RECs are to…