global warming

23 May: Western Civilization Under Siege

Important new book from Kenneth Schultz

Book cover

Under the sub-heading, The Assault on the Western Mind is a montage of faces representing what the author considers to be eight of the most critical players in reshaping and undermining the culture and philosophy of Western civilization. Who are they?

This book takes a wide-ranging look at the multitude of threats facing the West and Western civilization. In the author’s firm belief the majority of these threats are exacerbated by what he calls the assault on the Western mind, the sub-title of the book.

You can download a free pdf copy of the book here.

04 Mar: Climate change update – are we heading for another ice age?

Danube frozen over Previously this story would be called Global Warming Update, but as there has been no measurable warming of the planet for sixteen years, the global warming alarmists have re-named their dodgy theory “climate change”. Here are some recent articles of interest. Antarctica Sees Coldest Weather Ever Recorded On Earth New analysis from a NASA satellite revealed that East Antarctica reached minus-135.8 degrees fahrenheit in August 2010, NBC reports, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Antarctica hit close to that temperature again on July 31,2013 when it reached minus-135.3 degrees. Read more Britain, United States and Europe experince deadly cold weather More than 220 people have died across Europe as a result of the recent cold snap, with Ukraine bearing the heaviest toll. People have been found dead on the streets in some countries, while thousands have been trapped in mountain villages in Serbia. In Italy, Venice’s canals…

02 Jan: Ship of fools: global warmists ice-bound in the Antarctic

Climate change and media bias. The majority of the mainstream journalists have become staunch advocates of the global warming hypothesis. Their reporting clearly favours reports from the warmists while they gleefully parrot warmist jibes at skeptics; phrases such as “deniers”. Australia’s ABC is one of the leaders of the pack. In November 2013 the ABC ran a two-part report in which it eagerly presented Professor Chris Turney’s Antarctic expedition as a serious scientific quest to prove how global warming was damaging Antarctica. Back then it couldn’t mention climate change enough. But in a delicious irony, the ship load of warmist scientists and journalists were trapped by ice as they tried to prove global warming was melting Antarctica. Suddenly the ABCs reporting changed. What was astonishing was that not once in their reports did the ABC mention “global warming” or “climate change” or even “climate scientists”. It did everything humanly possible…

18 Jun: James Delingpole on wind farms, fraud and electricity prices in Australia

SINCE 2007, household electricity prices in Australia have risen by more than 40 per cent and by next year are projected to rise by around about 30 per cent. Federal MP Alby Schultz says this is the “biggest government sponsored fraud in the history of our country”. Schultz was speaking to parliament about Big Wind, an industry so rife with “intimidation, manipulation, lies and cover-up” he believes there’s enough evidence “to justify a royal commission”. So how come, you may be wondering, so many of us have been kept in the dark for so long? Writing for The Australian, journalist James Delingpole: The short answer seems to be that money buys both silence and public ignorance. For just one large-scale wind turbine, a developer can make nearly $500,000 in taxpayer subsidies called Renewable Energy Certificates. Under current government carbon emissions reduction plans, some $50 billion of these RECs are to…

10 Sep: Global cooling: Arctic ice cap grows 60% in a year

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent. – mailonline 7 Sept 2013. The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013. Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.   The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year. More than 20 yachts that had planned to sail it have been left ice-bound and a cruise ship attempting the route was forced to turn back. Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling…