
02 Jan: Ship of fools: global warmists ice-bound in the Antarctic

Climate change and media bias. The majority of the mainstream journalists have become staunch advocates of the global warming hypothesis. Their reporting clearly favours reports from the warmists while they gleefully parrot warmist jibes at skeptics; phrases such as “deniers”. Australia’s ABC is one of the leaders of the pack. In November 2013 the ABC ran a two-part report in which it eagerly presented Professor Chris Turney’s Antarctic expedition as a serious scientific quest to prove how global warming was damaging Antarctica. Back then it couldn’t mention climate change enough. But in a delicious irony, the ship load of warmist scientists and journalists were trapped by ice as they tried to prove global warming was melting Antarctica. Suddenly the ABCs reporting changed. What was astonishing was that not once in their reports did the ABC mention “global warming” or “climate change” or even “climate scientists”. It did everything humanly possible…