Aboriginal crime in Australia

26 Jan: Rape of babies, brain-damaged petrol sniffers, Aboriginal genocide – the result of political correctness

The public, media and law enforcement authorities are at last awakening to the magnitude of the catastrophic destruction of Aboriginal society in Australia.

There are almost daily reports in the media of baby rape, such as the case of Gerhadt Max Inkamala, 21, who took his sleeping seven-month-old cousin from a bedroom and raped her near Alice Springs. The girl’s injuries were so horrific that they could have been fatal due to the amount of blood lost. She required surgery. 

ThBaby rape victimis Aboriginal toddler (pictured) was just 17 months old when she was taken from her Cape York community in the middle of the night and brutally raped by an Aboriginal man, Ronderson Coglan. The little girl required internal stiches and a colostomy bag and will never be able to have children of her own.